Friday, April 4

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. April 4 2.45-3.45pm

Today was the last class of the term and we wrote our assessment tests.
Overall, everyone did a good job, and tried their best.
Some of you, I think, should prepare more for assessments in the future. If you don't understand a concept, or, if you're not clear on what to study, you should ask me. For example, if you're not following my explanations on how to name notes, take some time after class to talk to me about it, and then check this blog for exercises on what you can do at home, in order to really understand it.
Some of you took extra time, and did not complete the 'melody playback' portion of the test. For these students, I will base the grade on the melody playback work they did in class.

Finally, we all had a piece of cake and a sip of juice to celebrate completing MusIQ Club level 2. I'm very proud of your hard work this term and hope to see you back again next week.

I will have your corrected tests and certificates to hand out to those of you who return. For those of you not returning, I will leave the documents in the office for pick up.

Thanks for the fun and productive classes :)

Thursday, April 3

BLT Elementary School. Grades 3 to 6. Thurs. April 3 2.30-3.30pm

Hello, and welcome to our MusIQ Club blog, BLT 3-6.
It was great meeting you today. Here is a summary of what we covered:

LEVEL 1 (Dylan and Taylor)
  • Middle C.
  • C major scales. Hands separately.
  • The Grand Staff and Music Notation.
  • Note values. Quarter, Half and Whole notes.
  • Finger numbers. Thumbs are 1. Pinky fingers are 5.
  • You played the Grand Staff spelling game.
  • You learned how to play 'Mary had a little Lamb' and clap four beat rhythms.
  • Here is the song 'Old Grey Goose', for you to print off and try at home.
LEVEL 2 (Rama, Jazlyn, Veronica, Rachelle, Krista, Grace, Savanna, Kara.)
  • Reviewed how to play C major scales, and note naming.
  • Reviewed note values and finger numbers.
  • Talked about key signatures and time signatures.
  • Your right hand plays in the treble clef and your left hand plays the bass clef.
  • We practiced Let it be and Happy Birthday - Hands Together. Practice these songs at home, if you have the Piano Suite software.
  • Played the Grand staff spelling game.
  • 4-beat rhythms.
Excellent work today. I will be assigning some history homework for next week.
Can any of you in Level 2 tell me what famous band wrote the song 'Let it be'?

See you again next time. Feel free to Email me anytime if you have questions or concerns related to home practice or what we are learning in class.

Kingswood School Thurs. April 3 11.40-12.40pm

Today was the official last class of the Winter term.
We had our assessment tests today. This may surprise some of you, but I actually think everyone did quite well. I know for level 2 the material we are learning can be a challenge, but you've learned a great deal - especially with your scales and your songs. Laura, great effort with the written test. It ended up taking you a little longer than expected, but I will give you a grade for the performance and ear training parts of the test based on your work this term.

I hope to see all of you back for the Spring term, which will start immediately next week. I will have your corrected tests and certificates to hand out to those of you who return. For those of you not returning, I will leave the documents in the office for pick up.

Congratulations on successfully completing the program requirements for MusIQ Club levels 1 and 2.

Wednesday, April 2

BLT Elementary School Wed. April 2 2.00-3.00pm

Today was the official last class of the term.
If you would like to pick up your child's progress report/certificate, I will bring them with me to class, same time next week. Please let me know if you have any questions about re-registration.

Level 1 finished lesson 15 with Mr. Joplin. You are getting better and better at keeping your five-finger ant tunnels (side of the thumb on Middle C, and the other fingers resting on the keys. Lightly on their tips.)
You practiced rhythms and played 4 different games today.
We also did finger number playbacks and talked about loud and soft, smooth and bouncy, playing the piano. At the end of class everyone composed some music for me in the improvisation room.

Level 2 completed Volume 1 of Children's Music Journey today. You practiced hard for the pretend 'recital' with Mr. Villa Lobos.
Your songs are sounding much better. Remember to read by step and by skip, line notes and space notes. We played all the games from the past two terms and spent time in the improvisation room. I quizzed you about note values and musical terms: eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, legato, staccato and piano and forte. Then we did some rhythm exercises on my drum.

Excellent work.
I've enjoyed teaching this class and am very happy with how each student has progressed over the course of the term.
Thank you - hope to see you again next week!

Tuesday, April 1

Westmount Elementary School Tues April 1 12.15-1.15pm

Nice work today. We missed you Ryan! Get well soon.

Level 1:
  • Completed playing and singing songs with Mis Mendelssohn
  • Practiced playing loud (forte) and soft (piano)
  • Reviewed the musical alphabet forwards and backwards
  • Talked about moving by step and moving by skip
  • Played games and improvised.
  • Iris and Sean - you did excellent work today, and I'm very pleased with the progress you made.
Level 2:
  • Completed lesson 29 with Mr. Dvorak and began lesson 30 with Mr. Mozrt.
  • Reviewed line notes and space notes - moving by step and by skip.
  • Practiced finger number playbacks and rhythm playbacks.
  • Reviewed note values: eighth, quarter, half, and whole. Also, dotted half notes.
  • Learned a new game: Making Soup!
  • Nice improvisations at the end of class Aoiffe, Sophia, Morgan and Lidya.
Thanks for the fun class everyone. You're all doing great!

MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
Copyright © 2008 Adventus Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.