Wednesday, April 2

BLT Elementary School Wed. April 2 2.00-3.00pm

Today was the official last class of the term.
If you would like to pick up your child's progress report/certificate, I will bring them with me to class, same time next week. Please let me know if you have any questions about re-registration.

Level 1 finished lesson 15 with Mr. Joplin. You are getting better and better at keeping your five-finger ant tunnels (side of the thumb on Middle C, and the other fingers resting on the keys. Lightly on their tips.)
You practiced rhythms and played 4 different games today.
We also did finger number playbacks and talked about loud and soft, smooth and bouncy, playing the piano. At the end of class everyone composed some music for me in the improvisation room.

Level 2 completed Volume 1 of Children's Music Journey today. You practiced hard for the pretend 'recital' with Mr. Villa Lobos.
Your songs are sounding much better. Remember to read by step and by skip, line notes and space notes. We played all the games from the past two terms and spent time in the improvisation room. I quizzed you about note values and musical terms: eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, legato, staccato and piano and forte. Then we did some rhythm exercises on my drum.

Excellent work.
I've enjoyed teaching this class and am very happy with how each student has progressed over the course of the term.
Thank you - hope to see you again next week!

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