Wednesday, February 20

BLT Elementary School Thurs. Feb. 20 2.00-3.00pm

Nice to see you again.
For the information of parents:
When class is canceled due to the weather we will try to make up the class if possible at the end of the term. If we can't, then we will give a refund for the class or classes missed.

Today we learned many new things and had lots of fun.
Level 1:
You completed lessons 9 and 10 with Mr. Bach - Notes getting higher and higher, and notes getting lower and lower. It's always a good idea to start at middle C when you want to get higher or lower. Remember to use medium high notes and very high notes, as well as medium low notes and very low notes. There are extra songs for you to practice on the computer in the Library, if you have the CMJ software at home. See if you can learn a few of them really well to show me next week. Keep your fingers curved and wrists up.

Level 2:
You completed lesson 18 and 19 with Miss Mendelssohn. You're now reading 'grown-up notes'. When you see a note with a stem going down, play it with your left hand. When the stem is going up, play it with your right hand. Make sure to place both thumbs on C for 'Middle C position'. Practice naming the notes for each finger 5-4-3-2-1 and 1-2-3-4-5. You can exercise your fingers by playing different 4 note patterns, like we practiced in class. Think of 4 finger numbers and then play them in order keeping a steady beat.

We'll talk more about grown-up notes next time. All of you are doing very well with your ear training games. Today Cameron was able to find every piece of treasure (10 out of 10) on his first or second try by recognizing the sounds of high notes and low notes.

At the end of class I played some 4-beat rhythms on my hand drum for the level 1 students and some stepping and skipping melodies on my violin for the level 2 students.

Excellent work guys.
Have a good week!

Tuesday, February 19

Westmount Elementary School Tues. Feb. 19 12.15-1.15pm

We had an excellent class today.

Level 1: You completed lessons 10 and 11 today. You learned about notes getting higher and higher and about five finger ant tunnels! Remember that you must start at middle C, and get higher or lower gradually. Remember to use medium high and medium low notes. Review lesson 11 with your new computer teacher Mr. Scott Joplin at home, if you have the CMJ software. You can also practice Folk tunes for the Right Hand on the computer in the Library.

Parents, you can practice rhythm playbacks with your child at home. Just clap a 4 beat pattern: 1-2-3-4. Mix it up by adding some notes that are twice as fast. For example: 1-2-3+4-. (We could say the phrase 'When Is Supper Time' to this rhythm.) Try different combinations of 4 beat rhythms, and have your son and/or daughter clap it back to you.

Here is a maze for you to print off: Jazz Music Maze
Try it, for fun if you like, and let me know what you find.

Level 2: You completed lesson 18 and part of lesson 19 today. For practice, you should complete lesson 19 at home, if you have the CMJ software. We are now playing with Grown Up Notes.
Miss Mendelssohn is showing us how to use middle C position every week, and is helping us to know our musical alphabet both forwards and backwards!
Practice naming those keys backwards at home.
I'd like everyone to play the Cliffhanger ear training game, and the Treasure Hunt game at home as well. Also, practice the Folk tunes for Both Hands on the computer in the Library.
Aoiffe, Maddie, Lidya, Sophia, Josie and Morgan have been putting forth their absolute best effort and it's wonderful to see how much they've learned over the year.

Parents, here is an exercise you can practice with them, even if you don't have a piano. Have them sit with both thumbs just next to each other - 'on middle C'.
Call out, 'Right hand' or 'left hand' and then a sequence of 3 or 4 numbers between 1 and 5.
For example: RH. 1-3-5, or LH. 2-3-4-1, or RH. 4-3-2-5
It helps to sing the numbers, so they can hear if they are getting higher or lower.
Remember that thumbs are 1 and pinkies are 5, for both hands.

Have fun playing this week!

Monday, February 18

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. Feb. 18 2.15-3.15pm

Hello Fleming Tower - It's been a while!

First off, I'd like to let everyone know that if you haven't yet received your certificate for MusIQ Club Children's Music Journey Level 1 for last term, you should come pick it up from me next Monday, Feb. 25th.

Level 2: You completed Lesson 17 and most of Lesson 18 with Miss Mendelssohn. I was delighted to see Aly and Jansyn working so well together today! Vinny, you and Fernando are forging ahead really well too. Thanks Fernando, for helping Vinny catch up to the 2nd level. This class has been so enthusiastic and cooperative lately - It's been a pleasure to teach them.
Here is a game that everyone can play at home, even those of you who don't have the CMJ software at home: MAZE TO PRINT
You've met this composer before - do you remember his name? See if you can tell me for next week.
If you do have the CMJ software at home, review lesson 17 and complete lesson 18. You are learning about Middle C position and moving by steps and skips. You should also practice Folk tunes for the Left hand on the computer in the library. There is a whole list of them for you to try out. Pick one, and try playing it at least 4 times, keeping a steady beat and a curved finger hand position.

Level 1: Breagh and Lauren are doing excellent together. Today they completed lessons 7 and 8 with Mr. Bach. They reviewed holding notes and learned about a piece of music in their Practice session. Do you remember what it was called?
The four seasons by Vivaldi. Here is a MAZE FOR YOU TO PRINT as well.
I played some rhythm challenges for them. They both have a great ear for keeping time. Make sure to count in groups of four beats when you listen to rhythm challenges. Also, count the beats when you're playing holding notes, and double notes with the songs you've been practicing. Remember to use your Right hand for high notes, and left hand for low notes.
Either hand can play middle C.

Have fun this week everyone.

MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
Copyright © 2008 Adventus Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.