Friday, February 1

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. Feb. 1 2.45-3.45pm

Well done today J. W. Macleod.

Today we practiced Let it Be and Happy Birthday.
We reviewed slurs and the 3 beat value of dotted half notes.
We also discussed dynamic markings. Dynamics tell you how loud to play when you are sightreading music. 'F' stands for forte, it means to play loud. 'P' stands for piano, and it means to play soft.

We worked on our C major scales today. Right hand, Left hand, and contrary motion.
We also learned about the C pentatonic scale. The pentatonic scale has only 5 notes; scale degrees I, II, III, V, and VI.
That means it does not use the scale degrees IV and VII.

You practiced your RH. and LH. C major scales and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
You also learned about 3/4 time and 4/4 time and started working on Pop goes the Weasel.

Finally, we had 3 performances by Hannah, Rose and Chloe of songs they had been teaching themselves by ear at home. Then, we did some melody playbacks with my violin.
You all sounded great!

Good job everyone.

Thursday, January 31

Kingswood School Thurs. Jan. 31 11.40-12.40pm

Good work today!

After everyone in level 2 was done the test, we learned "Let it be", a famous song by the Beatles.
We reviewed C major scales, hands separately, and then practiced C scales in contrary motion, both hands together.

Please practice these at home. The fingering is:
RH. 1-2-3-1-2-3-4-5
LH. 5-4-3-2-1-3-2-1

We learned that a dotted half note is worth 3 beats and that a tie combines the note values of 2 notes. You only play the first note, and then hold through the second note that it is tied to.

If you would like to go ahead with another new song, you can start Happy Birthday in your Piano Suite software at home (Josh started this today and got a head start for next week - well done).

Practice Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Pop goes the Weasel.
You learned about 3/4 time and 4/4 time signatures in your lesson today.
You also played Grand Staff note placement and learned about various musical terms like legato, staccato, piano and forte.
Very well done.

Have a good week everyone.
See you next time.

Wednesday, January 30

BLT Elementary School Wed. Jan. 30 2.00-3.00pm

Well done today BLT.
We started off the class today with some rhythm playbacks.
Rhythms are getting faster now. Make sure you count 1+2+3+4+ when you hear the rhythm and keep a steady beat when you clap it back.

Level 1:
You worked on lesson 5 and 6 today. That means you met your new computer Mr. Bach.
Can you remember a few things about Bach to tell me for next week?
He was a German composer who lived over 300 years ago.
He had 20 children. He wrote music for the church and played the piano, organ and harpsichord.

Practice finding low C, middle C and high C on your keyboards at home.
Make up some Word Phrase clapbacks.
If you have the CMJ software at home, review lesson 6 and practice holding notes in the improvisation room.

Level 2:
You worked on lesson 14 'Musical Steps - Musical Alphabet' with Mr. Joplin today. Your songs are getting harder now, because you have to know the musical alphabet and your finger numbers to play. We did some meldoy playbacks with my violin.
Listen for notes getting higher and higher or lower and lower. Listen for steps and skips.
Practice Folk Tunes for the Right Hand, on the computer in the library of your CMJ software.
When you listen to music try to hear whether it is in 3 beat groups, or 4 beat groups.

Next week you'll meet your beautiful new computer teacher Miss Mendelssohn.

Thanks for the good class everyone. See you next time!

Tuesday, January 29

Westmount Elementary School Tues. Jan. 29 12.15-1.15pm

Today we were back in the Library. I thought this was a much better arrangement, rather than having class on the stage in the gym. We will be having class in the library whenever we can (there are teacher meetings once a month) from now on.

Level 1:
You worked on lesson 5 and 6 today. That means you met your new computer Mr. Bach.
Can you remember a few things about Bach to tell me for next week?
He was a German composer who lived over 300 years ago.
He had 20 children. He wrote music for the church and played the piano, organ and harpsichord.

Practice finding low C, middle C and high C on your keyboards at home.
Make up some Word Phrase clapbacks.
If you have the CMJ software at home, review lesson 6 and practice holding notes in the improvisation room.

Level 2:
Great work today level 2. Your lessons are getting harder now. We are using the musical alphabet along with finger numbers to learn new songs now. Keep practicing different finger patterns with your Mom and Dad at home. If you have the CMJ software at home, review lesson 15 with Mr. Joplin, and then lesson 16 with your new teacher Miss Mendelssohn.
You can also practice Folk tunes for the Left Hand on the computer in the library.

At the end of class I played my violin for you. We reviewed the concepts of curved finger hand position and keeping a steady beat.

Thanks for the fun class! I'll see you again next time.

MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
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