Friday, February 8

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. Feb. 8 2.45-3.45pm

Great work today.
We reviewed C major scales and learned a new scale, G major, together.
Remember that in G major there is one sharp. A sharp is a symbol that looks like this #. When you see it in front of a music note, it raises that note by one halfstep.
What is a halfstep?
A half step is a half of a whole step. You have learned about steps and skips in class. When you step from one white key to the next white key, for example C to D, that is one whole step. A half step would be from C to the black key next to middle C. We would call this note (a half step above middle C) a C sharp.
Be careful though, sharps don't necessarily have to be black - they can be white too.
We'll review sharps again next class.

You practiced 'Let it Be', 'Happy Birthday' and a new song 'Clementine'.
Practice these at home if you have the Piano Suite software.

You practiced your C major scale, hands seperately and your three songs: 'Old Grey Goose'. 'Pop Goes the Weasel' and 'On top of Old Smokey'. Well done - you're getting better every week.

At the end of class we all played some ear training games; hearing and identifying notes in Middle C position (both thumbs on C) and playing back notes getting higher or lower by skips.
Peter played a rhythm playback ear training game and some note naming games.

Thanks for all your hard work! Have a good week.

Thursday, February 7

Kingswood School Thurs. Feb. 7 11.40-12.40pm

We had a good class today, although we missed you Renée and Laura.

I finally finished up the rhythm part of the assessment test with Lauren, and am waiting on Renée to correct all the tests and review them with you.
I returned the tests to some of you, but next week they will all be done and ready for us to go over as a class.

We learned about the C pentatonic scale in class today.
Please have a look at these homework sheets for practicing scales: C MAJOR AND SCALE DEGREES, C PENTATONIC.
You should know your RH. and LH. separately and contrary motion, Hands Together.

What scale degrees does C pentatonic use? I, II, III, V and Vi.
That means, no IV and no VII.
You can use the fingering 1-2-3-4-5 for C pentatonic, because 'penta' means five.
Notice how there are only five notes in this scale. You'll have to skip over a note between your 3rd and 4th fingers (what note is it? F).

We learned a new song, 'Happy Birthday', together in class today. Josh already had a head start on this. Everyone should practice this at home, hands separately, and then together.
For the left hand, make sure you hold the notes down. The note tracker will not let you go on unless both hands are holding down all the notes for their full values, and the left hand has a lot of long, sustained notes. Also, keep practicing 'Let it Be'.

We also played some ear training games today. One of them was a note identification game that uses Middle C position - that's where both your thumbs are placed on Middle C. You had to identify whether the note was high or low. If it was high, you would use your RH. in Middle C position, if it was low, you would use your LH. When you practice this game, sing the note back out loud to really hear whether it is high or low.
We improvised some songs using the pentatonic scale.

Laura: Here are the songs you are working on right now: OLD GREY GOOSE, POP GOES THE WEASEL.
Also, keep practicing your note naming: NOTE TRAINER

Everyone should make sure to keep their fingers curved and their wrists up when they play.
Also, feel the beat at all times!

Have a good week everyone. If you are interested in purchasing the Piano Suite software for home practice, please visit or contact me at
I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Wednesday, February 6

BLT Elementary School Thurs. Feb. 6 2.00-3.00pm

Very focussed class today - we made a lot of progress.
I'm really impressed with this group.

Level 1:
You reviewed holding notes with Mr. Bach today.
Then you learned about double notes and took turns with your partner playing with both hands together.
For practice, check the computer in the library for extra songs (level 6 and 7).
You should improvise, and play some rhythm exercises too.
Remember to keep your fingers curved and on their tips, and keep a steady beat. (1+2+3+4+)

Level 2:
You met your new computer teacher, Miss Mendelssohn today.
She taught you about Middle C position and more on the musical alphabet.
For practice, play the new treasure hunt game and the jungle girl game. These will help you to play melodies by ear.
Keep your hands in Middle C position to get better at the games. Also, practice folk tunes for the LH. and RH. on the computer in the library. Watch out for notes moving by steps, and notes moving by skips.

Very well done today.
If anyone is interested in purchasing the CMJ software for home practice, please visit or Email me at, for more information.

Tuesday, February 5

Westmount Elementary School Tues. Feb. 5 12.15-1.15pm

We had a very fun and productive class today.

Level 1:
You reviewed holding notes with Mr. Bach. Practice your 4-beat rhythms at home. You should also try practicing the extra songs on the computer in the library of your CMJ software if you have it.
Use your right hand for the high notes, and your left hand for the low notes. You can use either hand for middle C. Make sure to always keep a steady beat and curved finger hand position.

Level 2:
I was very impressed with how well all of you did with the new songs we're learning. Make sure to set up both hands with thumbs on Middle C ('middle C position').
You can name the letters of all the notes from your left hand (5-4-3-2-1), to your right hand (1-2-3-4-5).
Practice the folk tunes on the computer in the Library if you have the CMJ software at home. Notice where your fingers are stepping and where they are skipping when you practice your songs. Also notice how notes sound getting higher and higher or lower and lower.
You should play the jungle girl game and the new treasure hunt games to train your ears to hear how the notes move.

If anyone would like to purchase a CMJ software package for home practice please contact me at, or visit the website.

Great work everyone. See you next time!

Monday, February 4

Fleming Tower Elementary School Tues. Feb. 4 2.15-3.15pm

Excellent work today.

Vinny joined in with the level 2 students today.
We met our new computer teachers Mr. Bach and Miss Mendelssohn. We learned about holding notes with Mr. Bach and Miss Mendelssohn taught us about Middle C position.

See if you can remember a few facts about Bach and Mendelssohn.
Mr. Bach had 20 children. He worked for the Church and lived in Germany over 300 years ago.
Miss Mendelssohn was a famous woman composer in history. She came from a rich family and worked with her brother Felix to write beautiful songs on the piano.

For practice at home:
  • You can clap some 4-beat rhythm challenges for your Mom or Dad.
  • Try playing different finger number patters with Middle C position.
  • If you have the CMJ software at home practice extra songs on the computer in the Library. Especially Folk tunes for the right hand and left hand, for the level 2 students.
  • You can also play the games we've learned so far and try improvising with as many of the concepts we've learned as possible. For example: legato, double notes, long notes, short notes, high notes, low notes, keeping a steady beat and curved finger hand position.
Well done. If you're interested in purchasing the CMJ software for home practice, please visit, or send me an Email -
Have a good week!

MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
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