Friday, February 8

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. Feb. 8 2.45-3.45pm

Great work today.
We reviewed C major scales and learned a new scale, G major, together.
Remember that in G major there is one sharp. A sharp is a symbol that looks like this #. When you see it in front of a music note, it raises that note by one halfstep.
What is a halfstep?
A half step is a half of a whole step. You have learned about steps and skips in class. When you step from one white key to the next white key, for example C to D, that is one whole step. A half step would be from C to the black key next to middle C. We would call this note (a half step above middle C) a C sharp.
Be careful though, sharps don't necessarily have to be black - they can be white too.
We'll review sharps again next class.

You practiced 'Let it Be', 'Happy Birthday' and a new song 'Clementine'.
Practice these at home if you have the Piano Suite software.

You practiced your C major scale, hands seperately and your three songs: 'Old Grey Goose'. 'Pop Goes the Weasel' and 'On top of Old Smokey'. Well done - you're getting better every week.

At the end of class we all played some ear training games; hearing and identifying notes in Middle C position (both thumbs on C) and playing back notes getting higher or lower by skips.
Peter played a rhythm playback ear training game and some note naming games.

Thanks for all your hard work! Have a good week.

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