Tuesday, February 12

Westmount Elementary School Tues. Feb. 12 12.15-1.15pm

Today, we had class up on the stage because of the bookfair.

Level 1: You finished Lesson 9 today - Notes getting higher and higher.
Practice your double notes and keep working on your four beat rhythms.
Remember when you play your songs (if you have the CMJ software at home, review lessons 9 and 10 with Mr. Bach) to keep a steady beat and curved fingers with your wrists up.
Left hand for low notes, Right hand for high notes.
Either hand for middle C.

You learned a new game - Cliffhanger - today.
The best way to play this game is if you keep both thumbs on middle C. If the notes played are getting higher start at middle C and step up with your right hand fingers.
If the notes played are getting lower, start at middle C and step down with your left hand fingers.

Level 2:
You worked through Lesson 17, and a little bit of Lesson 18 today.
You're working on songs that use the musical alphabet now.
Practice saying the musical alphabet backwards at home: C-B-A-G-F-E-D-C-B-A-G...
If you have the CMJ sofware at home, work on Folk Tunes for Hands Together, on the computer in the Library.
Do you remember the name of the song Miss Mendelssohn played for you? It was a song that she wrote called 'Melody'.

Can you also tell me a few facts about the piano? It was invented in Italy, and it's full name was the Pianoforte. Piano is the Italian word for soft, and forte is the Italian word for loud.
They called the instrument Pianoforte because it can play both soft and loud, depending on how the keys are pressed down.
After a while, people started to just call the instrument Piano for short.

Thanks for the good class everyone.
See you next week.

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