Wednesday, March 19

BLT Elementary School Thurs. March 19 2.00-3.00pm

Welcome back to MusIQ Club BLT.
For the information of parents, our last class of the term will be on April 2nd. Re-registration is now open. I would love to see all of these students back again for the Spring term.

Level 1:
You had your first lesson with Mr. Scott Joplin today. He taught you about five-finger ant tunnels. Make sure to keep your wrists up and fingers curved. Thumbs on Middle C.
Can you remember a few facts about Mr. Joplin's life to tell me for next week? (He is an African American composer from the USA. He played the piano. He wrote famous songs like The Entertainer and The Maple leaf rag.)
Practice counting 1-2-3-4 when you play your songs.
If you have the CMJ software at home, review lesson and practice number 11.

We learned a new game today - leapfrog - and practiced our rhythm exercises.
Great work.

Level 2:
You had your first lesson with Mr. Hector Villa Lobos today. He taught you about half notes and quarter notes tunnels. Half notes are white in the middle, and they are worth 2 beats. Quarter notes are black in the middle and they are worth 1 beat.
Can you remember a few facts about Mr. Villa Lobos' life to tell me for next week? (He is a South American composer from Brazil. He played the guitar. His music sounds very natural, like a waterfall.)
Practice reading notes that move by step (line to space, or space to line) and by skip (space to space, or line to line) when you play your songs.
If you have the CMJ software at home, review lessons and practice number 21 and 22.

We learned a new game today - Falling leaves - and practiced our rhythm exercises.
Super work.

We're moving along fast - you should be proud of yourselves!
You're all learning how to play the piano very well.

Happy Easter - see you next week.

Tuesday, March 18

Westmount Elementary School Tues March 18 12.15-1.15pm

Today was our last class of the Winter term.
Please re-register for the Spring term if you wish to have your child continue with me on Tuesday lunch-hours next week;

Level 2:
Completed lesson 21 and 22 with Mr. Villa Lobos. You learned about line notes and space notes, as well as half notes and quarter notes - that's a lot to remember. Practice these lessons at home if you have the CMJ software on your computer. If not, try out this song - can you hear where the half notes (worth 2 beats) and quarter notes (worth 1 beat) are?

R.H. 1-3-5-5-2-3-4--

Level 1: You completed lesson 16 with your new teacher Miss Fanny Mendelssohn today. She was teaching you about notes moving by step and notes moving by skip. She also talked to you about Middle C position.
See if you can practice this song at home. If you have the CMJ software, review the lesson and practice - can you think of a good song title for Fanny's "song without words"?

L.H. 3-4-5-4-3-3-3--

Good work today everyone. You had fun playing games, improvising, and performing some songs for each other at the end of class.
You'll all receive certificates in the mail for doing such and excellent job with your MusIQ Club lessons this term.

Hope to see all of you again next week!

Monday, March 17

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. March 17 2.15-3.15pm

Happy St. Patrick's Day Fleming Tower, and welcome back to MusIQ Club.

We had a good class - thanks for being patient at the beginning while I worked out a few technical difficulties. We had lab updates over the break.

Level 2 worked on their first class with Mr. Hector Villa Lobos, your new computer teacher from Brasil. You learned about line notes and space notes. When the notes are moving up by line and space you know that your fingers will move by step.
When the notes move from line to line, or space to space, you know that your fingers will have to skip over a note.

You practiced the new Falling leaves game, and worked on the songs Love Somebody, Mary had a big fat sheep, and Upside down buns.

Level 1 had their second lesson with Scot Joplin today (lesson 12). Great work! You're getting much better at finding medium high/low notes, and very high/low notes, Breagh. Remember to play notes above the line with your right hand, and notes below the line with your left hand.
Lauren, you played the song 'Focus' for me - very well done.

At the end of class we spent some time in the improvisation room practicing middle C position.
Here is a song that all of you can practice at home, with your thumbs on middle C:

R.H. 1-3-5-5-2-3-4--

Can you tell me for next time what the name of this tune is, and whether the notes at the beginning move by step or by skip?
Have a good Easter break! See you in 2 weeks.

MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
Copyright © 2008 Adventus Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.