At times you were a little too noisy, and getting out of your seat too much was a problem for some of you - we're going to work on this. I know next week will be better.
Level 2:
- C scales in Contrary Motion with both hands. Keep a steady beat and correct fingering.
- Practice Let it be and Happy Birthday if you have the Piano Suite software at home.
- Try playing with a metronome holding all the notes for their correct values. Watch out especially for dotted half notes and ties.
- Watch out for steps and skips when you play. The musical term for a step is an interval of a second, and the musical term for a skip is an interval of a third.
- Melody playbacks starting on C, using skips and steps.
- We learned a little bit of history on the Beatles today: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
- C major scales, each hand separately going up and down.
- The sheet music I gave you, plus Old Grey Goose and Twinkle, Twinkle in the Piano Suite software.
- Review note and rest values: quarter, half, whole and eighth beats.
- You played some Grand Staff note placement, and Grand Staff spelling games at the end of class. You can practice doing this at home using the Note Trainer.