Tuesday, January 22

Westmount Elementary School Tues. Jan. 22 12.15-1.15pm

We had a very good class today.

I'd like to welcome our new friend Iris to MusIQ club. It's great that all the spots have been filled in this class now, we can have the same stations and partners every week - this routine will definitely help you to learn and have more fun.

For Aoiffe, Maddie, Morgan, Lidya, Josie and Sophia:
  • If you have the CMJ software at home, practice Folk tunes for the Right hand.
  • Practice your C major scale. Notice how stepping up the keyboard the notes are in the order of the alphabet. C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, back to C.
  • Use your five-finger ant tunnel to play the C major scale. Curved fingers. The finger pattern is 1-2-3-1-2-3-4-5, for the right hand.
  • Play legato when you practice, and keep a steady beat.
  • Some music is in 4-beat groups, like in bongo boy, 1+2+3+4+. But, some music is in 3-beat groups, like in the blue danube waltz, 1+2+3+.
  • Notice how the beats are grouped when you listen to music this week.
For Hannah, Sam, Ryan, Iris, Sean and Evan:
  • Right hand for high notes, and left hand for low notes. You can use your right or left hand for middle C.
  • Circle notes - now you are starting to see real 'grown-up' notes in the music you play. Notes above the line are high notes, note below the line are low notes. Notes on the line mean you play middle C.
  • Bongo boy! See if you can feel groups of 4 beats.
  • Like in music, language has a rhythm. Try making up some word-rhythms at home. "I like water melon". "Today is Monday". "My dog has fleas".
We did some melody playbacks on my violin today. I would play 3 or 4 notes, stepping up or stepping down from Middle C. You would play back, using your five fingers and moving higher or lower, listening closely.

Excellent work today. See you all next time - we will be having class in the Library, not on the stage.

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MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
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