Monday, February 4

Fleming Tower Elementary School Tues. Feb. 4 2.15-3.15pm

Excellent work today.

Vinny joined in with the level 2 students today.
We met our new computer teachers Mr. Bach and Miss Mendelssohn. We learned about holding notes with Mr. Bach and Miss Mendelssohn taught us about Middle C position.

See if you can remember a few facts about Bach and Mendelssohn.
Mr. Bach had 20 children. He worked for the Church and lived in Germany over 300 years ago.
Miss Mendelssohn was a famous woman composer in history. She came from a rich family and worked with her brother Felix to write beautiful songs on the piano.

For practice at home:
  • You can clap some 4-beat rhythm challenges for your Mom or Dad.
  • Try playing different finger number patters with Middle C position.
  • If you have the CMJ software at home practice extra songs on the computer in the Library. Especially Folk tunes for the right hand and left hand, for the level 2 students.
  • You can also play the games we've learned so far and try improvising with as many of the concepts we've learned as possible. For example: legato, double notes, long notes, short notes, high notes, low notes, keeping a steady beat and curved finger hand position.
Well done. If you're interested in purchasing the CMJ software for home practice, please visit, or send me an Email -
Have a good week!

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