LEVEL 1 (Miguel and Erika):
- Practiced C major scales in group mode with the whole class.
- Songs, Old Grey Goose and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. These are getting better, but still not quite 100%.
- Reviewed note naming and watched the video on the Grand Staff in the Theory Thinker.
- Practiced counting exercises with the right and left hands.
- Played games in the Childrens' Music Journey Software.
- Practiced C major scales in group mode, with the metronome.
- Songs, Ode to Joy, The baseball game and Ten Little Indians.
- Discussed your homework assignment: Compose a melody using the C pentatonic scale.
- Reviewed time signatures. 4/4 means four quarter beats in a bar. 3/4 means three quarter beats in a bar. You can use either of these time signatures for your homework assignment.
- Improvised and recorded some pentatonic melodies in the Childrens' Music Journey Software.
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