Thursday, May 1

Kingswood School Thurs. May 1 11.40-12.40pm

Great work today Aidan, Ben and Josh. It was nice to have all three of you in attendance.

Here's what we learned together:
  • Warmed up with the C, F and G pentatonic scales.
  • Reviewed writing down major and pentatonic scales. Next week we will have a composition assignment where you will have to write an 8 bar melody using the C pentatonic scale.
  • Practiced Ode to Joy, The Baseball Game and Ten Little Indians, hands separately, than together.
  • Talked about triads. A triad is a three-note chord. A chord is a group of notes played at the same time.
  • Played the Interval flashcard game, and worked on ear training - identifying the difference between an interval of a 3rd and an interval of a 5th.
Well done! I'm happy with the progress we're making in this class.

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