Monday, May 5

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. May 5 2.15-3.15pm

Great work today! We missed Brianna and Aly - they are on a trip to Cuba.
Welcome back Emma.

LEVEL 1 (Emma, Benjamine and Ryan):
  • Completed Lesson 4 and 5 with Mr. Beethoven.
  • Learned more about Rythms and started reading 'circle notes'.
  • Played songs and rhythm exercises on my hand-drum.
  • Practiced finding Middle C, High C and Low C.
  • Improvised and recorded some songs.
LEVEL 2 (Jessica, Lauren and Jacqueline):
  • Completed Lesson 16 and a little bit of Lesson 17 with Miss Mendelssohn.
  • Learned about Middle C position and notes moving by step.
  • Practiced songs in Middle C position.
  • Played games and exercises for hearing notes getting higher and higher and notes getting lower and lower.
  • Reviewed 5 finger numbers: Thumbs are 1, Index fingers are 2, Middle fingers are 3, Ring fingers are 4 and pinkies are 5.
  • Improvised and recorded songs using the CMJ software.
LEVEL 3 (Noah, Jared, Reece and Jansyn):
  • Completed Lesson 29 with Mr. Dvorak and Lesson 30 with Mr. Mozart.
  • Practiced Rhythms and songs we from last term (Frere Jacques, Goin' Home, etc.)
  • Talked about line notes and space notes and moving by step and skip.
  • Played games and exercises for remembering Note Values: quarter, half, dotted half and whole notes. We also practiced drawing different types of notes on the white board.
  • Improvised and recorded some songs.
For practice, try out all the songs on the computer in the Library with your CMJ software at home. You can also review the lesson and practice for your level this week.

For those students with pianos but no software, please practice finger number exercises in middle C position, keeping a steady beat. Mom or Dad can call out a sequence of 3 to 5 finger numbers and then you play them back keeping a steady beat and curved finger hand position. Try this with your right hand and then your left hand. See you next time.

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