Friday, May 9

Westmount Elementary School. Grades 3-6. Friday May 9 12.15-1.15pm

Great work today guys. It was nice to welcome our guest, Micheal to the class today.

LEVEL 1 (Ivan and Micheal):
  • Warmed up with C major scales for the right hand and left hand.
  • Micheal learned how to play the song Old Grey Goose. 100% on his first try! Excellent sight reading.
  • Practiced songs: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Pop goes the Weasel.
  • Completed the worksheet on naming notes.
  • Played games and improvised using the C major scale.
LEVEL 2 (William and Brett):
  • Warmed up with C major scales in contrary motion.
  • Played our songs Let it Be, Happy Birthday, and Clementine.
  • Reviewed the terms legato and staccato. Practiced the exercise.
  • Watched a video on time signatures, note values and ties.
  • Played games and improvised in C.
LEVEL 3 (Dylan, Stephen and Justin):
  • Warmed up with C chromatic scales, C, F and G Pentatonic scales, and learned how to play the A minor scale (Same fingering as C major).
  • Played songs The Baseball Game, Ode to Joy and Ten Little Indians.
  • Completed 2 worksheets on the C major scale and C pentatonic scale. Next week we will have a take home assignment that builds on the concept of the C pentatonic scale.
  • Discussed scale degrees and practiced writing down roman numerals I-VII.
  • Played games and improvised using the C pentatonic scale. Dylan created a wonderful piece based on a 'hip hop' rhythm using the C pentatonic scale. Well done everyone!
At the end of class we played a game of interval Faceoff as per request.
Happy playing this week!

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