Monday, April 14

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. April 14 2.15-3.15pm

Today was our official last class of the Winter Term!

Level 2:
  • Completed CMJ Volume 1 in Lesson 25 - Recital with Mr. Villa Lobos.
  • Reviewed quarter notes, half notes and whole notes.
  • Talked about line notes and space notes.
  • Practiced playing songs that move by step and songs that move by skip.
  • 4 beat rhythm playbacks.
  • Melody playbacks.
Level 1:
  • Completed Lesson 15 with Mr. Scott Joplin.
  • We learned about Middle C position and reading music by finger numbers.
  • Practiced songs with holding notes and double notes.
  • Played a new game that teaches us the Musical Alphabet. A-B-C-D-E-F-G
  • 4 beat rhythm playbacks.
We played another game of Hot Potato. This time with my friend Monkey (or as Sergio calls him - Punkey). We helped each other remember the letters of the musical alphabet forwards and backwards. That was really fun.

Finally, I handed out certificates and report cards for everyone, as well as a small treat to say:
Great job with your MusIQ Club lessons this term!

Hope to see you back next week. From what I hear, the Monday class is now full, but there is still room in the Wednesday after-school class. Register at
If you have any questions, please call the office at 453-4464 or Email me.

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MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
Copyright © 2008 Adventus Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.