Wednesday, April 16

BLT Elementary School. Grades P-2. Wed. April 2 2.00-3.00pm

Excellent work today. Here is what we covered:

LEVEL 1A (Abbey)

  • Lesson and practice number 3 with Mr. Beethoven.
  • You were learning about rhythms today. There are short sounds and long sounds that happen in music. You can play any combination of both, but you should always keep a steady beat underneath. We did some examples of rhythms in language: "I like puppy dogs" and "My parrot talks a lot"
  • You practiced high notes and low notes.
  • Reviewed Middle C.
  • You played a new game today, Bongo Boy, which is a drumming competition to see who can remember and playback 4-beat rhythms the best.
  • Recorded some new songs in the improvisation room. When you use notes from the C major scale (no black keys) your songs sound fantastic Abbey!

LEVEL 1B (Billy)

  • Lesson and practice number 17 with Miss Mendelssohn and Miss Melody.
  • We learned about Middle C position. Both thumbs are on middle C with the wrists up and fingers tips resting gently on the keys.
  • Reviewed moving by step and moving by skip with our fiver-finger ant tunnels.
  • Practiced playing legato (smooth) and staccato (bouncy).
  • Played a new game - treasure hunt. You have to use your ears to hear what note to play. High notes are played with the right hand in middle C position, and low notes are played with the left hand in middle C position. You only get three tries to find the note, otherwise there is no treasure and only a hole.
You were amazing at this game Billy. You were able to find all the treasure 10 out of 10 times. Very impressive.

LEVEL 2 (Connor, Cameron, Jacob and Haylea)
  • Completed lesson 29 with Mr. Dvorak, as well as lesson 30!
  • We practiced drawing the four types of notes we've learned so far: quarter, half, whole and dotted half notes.
  • Practiced clapping these note values along to a drum beat.
  • Learned new songs, played the Soup game and spent time in the improvisation room.
  • Your songs are sounding better and better. You're getting very comfortable with playing melodies, hands together in middle C position.
Finally, we played hot potato with Monkey. We all sit in a circle and pass around the Monkey saying one letter each, keeping a steady beat. We tried doing this forwards and backwards. This game is harder than it sounds. You have to pay attention!

I handed out invitations, postcards and a little treat for everyone at the end of class.
Have a good week.

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