Friday, April 11

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. April 11 2.45-3.45pm

We had an excellent first class of the Spring term today.
Welcome Miguel, Erika and Jeremy!

Level 1:
  • You learned how to play a C major scale, starting on middle C.
  • Recognizing notes in the staff using the musical alphabet.
  • Practice naming notes with this game: Note Trainer
  • You learned how to play 'Old Grey Goose' and I gave Jeremy 'Pop goes the Weasel' for an extra challenge (Jeremy, you will be moved ahead to the level 3 class next week :)
  • You learned about holding notes for their correct values. Check out this Note Value Chart.
  • Finally, we played the grand staff note placement game, bongo boy and made up our own songs in the Improvisation room.
Level 3:
  • We reviewed your tests: Note naming, note values, semitones/tones, sharps and flats.
  • We reviewed the song 'Ode to Joy' - hands separately, than together.
  • We played a game of Faceoff to help us learn about notes on leger lines. Middle C is an example of a leger line note - a note outside the 5 lines and/spaces of the grand staff.
  • We learned a new song 'The baseball game'.
  • Finally, we played some games in the CMJ software and made up songs in the Improvisation room.
Great work - I'll see you again next week.
Miguel and Jeremy, don't forget to bring a friend !

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