Friday, November 23

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. Nov. 23 2.45-3.45pm

Nice work today everyone.
We got a lot done!

First, I checked your C-major scales, and your song Old Grey Goose.
You're all getting much better at reading notes in the staff! We played the Grand Staff Note Placement game again today, and reviewed different ways of figuring out which notes to play.
Here is a link for you to practice naming notes at home:

Then, we did a rhythm exercise with the metronome. I played you some 4-beat rhythms and you played them back for me. We played the game Bongo Boy too. Everyone had a chance to beat the game today, which was great. Make sure you count 1+2+3+4+ when you practice your scales and songs.

We learned 2 new songs today: Pop Goes the Weasel and On Top of Old Smokey.
These songs are in 3/4 time, which means each measure has 3 beats.
Remember to count your note values and rest values: quarter rests, half rests and whole rests.

After going over the songs, we talked about Intervals - the distance between 2 notes.
When you practice your songs, try to recognize what intervals you are playing. Watch out for 4ths and 3rds especially, with the new songs.

Here are the links to the 3 piano suite songs you've learned so far:

You can print these off to put in your folder with the Finger Number and Letter Name tunes that I gave you at the beginning of the term. Thanks everyone for the fun class!
See you next week :)

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