Tuesday, November 27

Westmount Elementary School Tues. Nov. 27 12.15-1.15pm

Very good work today girls. We missed Morgan, but I think she'll be able to catch up with us for next time.

Today, I brought in my violin. We learned about notes getting higher and higher and lower and lower.

This means that above the line that marks middle C you can have notes that are medium high or very high, or below the middle C line - notes that are medium low or very low.

To practice, I played you some notes on the violin and you sang them back to me. Then you would have to say whether you were going higher and higher or lower and lower. Try doing this exercise on the piano at home with your Mom or Dad, sister or brother.

At first, this exercise was a little confusing, but everyone was moving in the right direction by the end of class. Plus, it was fun singing with the violin!

We reviewed 4-beat rhythms together with the metronome and spent some time practicing legato and staccato in the Improvisation room too.
We reviewed all the games that we've learned so far, and also practiced our C-major scale!

Thanks being such great students, as usual. I'll see you next time, for our final MusIQ Club this year before Christmas. Have a good week!

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MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
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