Monday, November 19

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. Nov. 19 2.15-3.15pm

Today we learned about how to play "Double-Notes" with Mr. Bach.
Everyone was very nice about taking turns so that both partners would have a chance to use 2 hands at the same time on the piano. Good work!

We practiced rhythms with Miss Melody and played all the games that we've learned so far: High/Low, Princess Story, Holding the Train and Bongo Boy.

Then we talked about a neat-looking machine that I brought in called a Metronome. We did some rhythm playback challenges: first, I challenged you. Then you challenged each other. Then you challenged me! Some of you came up with some very complicated an interesting rhythms. (Noah and Sergio especially!)

We had a lot of fun with the games. Then we talk about Vivaldi's Four Seasons and the words Legato and Staccato.
I showed you how legato means to connect the notes when you walk your fingers on the keys, and staccato means to play notes bouncy and disconnected.

You got a chance to practice legato and staccato in the Improv room, and then it was time to go.

Here's what you can do at home:
  • Practice 4 beat rhythms on middle C.
  • Name the keys: C, D, E, F, G, A, B and back to C.
  • Create a 10 note song that uses double-notes, holding notes, middle C, legato and staccato, to show me for next class.
I'll see everyone in 2 weeks, since next week is an inservice - have a nice break!

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