Wednesday, October 31

BLT Elementary School Wed. Oct 31 2.00-3.00pm

Welcome to our blog BLT!

We had a great first class. I was very happy to meet all of you.

After setting up our account and choosing partners, we got right to work and had our first lesson with Mr. Beethoven. We learned about high and low on the piano. Your right hand plays the high "bird" notes and your left hand plays low "whale" notes.

We learned that Beethoven is a composer that lived 200 years ago. He wrote some of the most beautiful music in history. He went deaf, but he still continued to compose all kinds of music for the piano, and other instruments too.

We practiced what we learned with Ms. Melody - our practice room teacher. Then we played some games to see if we could remember everything on the spot. You were all fantastic at the games, and everyone took turns with their partners to play them. Excellent work.

Finally, we learned about how to find middle C and about the musical alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
Remember, there are only 7 letters in the musical alphabet.

Can you practice naming the keys on your piano at home, for practice?
Keep a steady beat and a round-shape hand position.

Practice playing some high notes with your right hand, and low notes with your left hand.
If you become more comfortable moving around on the keyboard, you'll be able to make more interesting improvisations!

We'll try out the improvisation room again next time. We were so busy learning, we didn't get very much time at the end to play and record our own songs. But we will!

See you next week :)


Pammy said...

Hi Alice,
I just want to confirm the schedule with you that was sent to me during registration for BLT:

Oct 31st 2007 2:00PM TO 3:00PM TBA
Nov 14th 2007 2:00PM TO 3:00PM TBA
Nov 21st 2007 2:00PM TO 3:00PM TBA
Nov 28th 2007 2:00PM TO 3:00PM TBA
Dec 5th 2007 2:00PM TO 3:00PM TBA
Dec 12th 2007 2:00PM TO 3:00PM TBA

It would seem that there is no class schduled for this week. Is that correct?

Alice Hansen said...

Hi Pam,

Yes. Thank you for pointing this out.
Tomorrow is only a half-day for public schools, so our next MusIQ club won't be until the 14th.



MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
Copyright © 2008 Adventus Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.