Monday, October 29

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. Oct 29 2.15-3.15pm

Hey Guys,
This was a super productive class for us. Everyone finished at least 2 levels with Mr. Beethoven and Ms. Melody, and some of you even got through 3 complete levels (Congratulations Noah and Sarah, Reese and Aly!)

We were getting so much better at clapping rhythms. We did some more word phrase exercises together, and also played a real life version of the game 'Bongo Boy'.
Everyone loved this game, and you learned so fast!
Keep practicing your rhythms. Make up sentences like we did: "Scary ghosts say boo!" and "trick or treat smell my feet" clapping along with long sounds and short sounds.

Make sure when you practice high notes and low notes, finding middle C and naming the letters of the musical alphabet on your keyboard, that you keep a steady beat and a round hand position.

Thanks everyone for such a fun class - you were brilliant today!
Next week all of us will get to meet our new lesson teacher Mr. Bach.

See you then!


Anonymous said...

I really love having this blog, as my son doesn't fill me in with much detail on what he has learned in class. Thanks for updating the parents of their weekly progress! Tina Robertson

Alice Hansen said...


Thanks for the comment.
Jared and Fernando are working together since last week.
I think they make a good pair.

Glad you like the blog. I'll be sure to keep posting.



MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
Copyright © 2008 Adventus Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.