Monday, February 25

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. Feb. 25 2.15-3.15pm

Class went very well today.

Lauren and Breagh:
You completed lessons 7 and 8 with Mr. Bach today. You're learning about Double Notes - playing a high note with your right hand and a low note with your left hand, at the same time. Great work taking turns with the lesson and practice. You also learned about notes getting higher and higher and lower and lower. This means you have to start at Middle C, and then play a medium high/low note, then a very high/low note. Review lesson 8 if you have the CMJ software at home. Your rhythms are coming along nicely - make sure to keep your wrists up and fingers curved when you play your songs.

Aly, Jansyn, Reese, Brianna, Noah, Sergio, Vinny, Christopher, Jared and Fernando:
You completed lesson 17 today with Miss Mendelssohn. Some of you finished early and started working on lesson 18. For homework, I would like everyone who has the CMJ software at home to select a Hands Together song from the computer in the Library to practice. Try to play it 'legato' (smoothly) and with different 'dynamics' (loud and soft). Let me know next time if you have a song to perform for me and the class! When you play, try to think of the letter name for each key. Also, keep track of which finger number you are using.
All of you are doing a wonderful job of playing with both thumbs in Middle C position.
I'm very impressed with how far you've come along with your piano lessons.

At the end of class, I played 4-beat rhythms on my hand drum for you. Rhythms are a specialty in this class. Some of you can clap back some pretty complicated rhythms to me.

Good work everyone. Here is a game for you to try out for fun - it is to test your ears, and your memory, at the keyboard: Piano Memory Game

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