Monday, January 14

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. Jan. 14 2.15-3.15pm

Great work today everyone.

We had Max, Vinny and Lauren join us today for their first lesson in MusIQ Club.
That means there are 2 levels in the class. Level 1 at the front of the room, and level 2 at the back.

Level 1:
You learned about high bird notes and low whale notes today. Make sure to play your high bird notes with your right hand and your low whale notes with your left hand. To keep a perfect piano hand position pretend to hold an orange between your 2 hands and make your fingers perfectly round. Then place your fingertips on the keys, and keep your fingers curved.
Now you're ready to play.
When you play, keep a steady beat. All music is experienced in time - the beat is what links each moment to the next. It stays the same length, like a pulse - a heartbeat.

You learned where Middle C is, and met your computer teacher Mr. Beethoven.
Well done. See if you can name all the notes of the piano using the musical alphabet, at home: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. Notice that after G, the musical alphabet starts over at A.

Level 2:
You finished your first level of MusIQ Club officially today in class. Every 12 lessons you will receive a certificate in the mail saying that you completed a level. We talked about Mr. Beethoven, Mr. Bach and Mr. Joplin. You answered lots of questions I had for you about all the things you learned in level 1.
Then we did our first lesson of level 2 (lesson 13).

You learned about the Blue Danube Waltz. Sometimes music is grouped in 3 beats, especially for dance music. We practiced some rhythm playbacks that use 3 beat groups, as well as 4 beat groups.
You learned more about five-finger ant tunnels with Mr. Joplin. Remember that thumbs are 1, index fingers are 2, middle fingers are 3... and so on - pinky fingers are 5. You're now playing with 2 hands at the same time. Practice doing finger number playbacks at home on your piano. Place your thumb on middle C and play like you do in the leapfrog game. 1-2-1-2-1-2. Or 1-2-3-4-3-2-1. Or 1-2-3-2-3-4-3. Try different combinations with your right hand and then your left hand.

Thanks for an excellent class today. See you next week.

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MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
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