Monday, December 3

Fleming Tower Elementary School Mon. Dec. 3 2.15-3.15pm

With the snow storm, we had a small class today. 7 out of 12.
For those of you who missed lesson 7, we'll try to help you catch up next week. We'll be meeting our new computer teacher, Scott Joplin, next week. I hope everyone can be there for our final lesson before Christmas :)

Today, we learned about notes getting higher and higher. Above middle C we can have medium high notes and very high notes. We also learned about notes getting lower and lower.
There are medium low notes and very low notes below middle C.

Remember to practice your songs using your left hand for the low notes and right hand for the high notes.
Keep your fingers curved.

I brought in my violin and played you different combinations of three notes.
Everyone would sing back the notes I played and and tell me if I was getting higher and higher or lower and lower. Great work!

Then we read the story "Up. Up. Down" by Robert Munsch. All of you helped me read it, saying the words "up... up... up... up... doooooooowwwn" with a voice that climbs higher and higher and then gradually falls down low. That was fun!

We learned the Jungle Girl game.
To jump from vine to vine you have to listen to the birds sing 2 notes, and then play 2 notes back that move in the right direction - getting higher or lower.

Thanks for all your hard work!
Have a great week everyone.

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MusIQ Club is an enriched aftershool, group piano learning program
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