Friday, October 19

J. W. MacLeod Elementary School Fri. Oct. 19 2.45-3.45pm

Hi everyone,

Today was a pretty good lesson. You're all becoming more familiar with the Piano Suite Software now. You now know that it's important to listen to your lessons all the way through to get all the red check marks... that way when I come around to see how you're doing I'll know what you've completed and how I can help you.

Everyone needs to bring the sheets that I give out in class so that we can all work on finger number and letter name songs together. It's useful to have a folder to keep these in - keep them all together, and try to remember to bring them for Musiq Club on Fridays.

We did some work in the Theory Thinker, reviewing the treble clef (played with the right hand) and bass clef (played with the left hand) notes. We also talked about quarter notes, half notes and whole notes again.

Then we spent some time in the Piano Player activity. You learned a song called "Old Grey Goose" (more commonly known as "Go tell Aunt Rhody"). This went well, and all of you were able to read the notes on the staff with your right hand position on Middle C. Some of you need a little more practice with the left hand, which takes more time; most of you being right handed.

Overall, I've been very happy with how much this group has learned already. You're doing some great work at home - everyone knew what the name of the mystery tune was for homework this week. "Ode to Joy"!

Now you have 2 new tunes to practice. If this is too much too soon, that's ok... hold on to the sheets until you're ready. If you feel like you can do more, please let me know, and I'll give you more music to practice next time if you can show me how you're doing with the things I've already given you.

Practice tips:
  • Play your letter name songs a few times with each hand. Exercise the left hand especially.
  • Round hand position. Don't let the fingers fall flat on the keys.
  • A steady beat. Each note should last for 1 beat or 2 beats at this point. Use your ear.
  • Practice naming the notes on the keys. Try to memorize them as well as you can, so that when you become more comfortable with notes on the staff you'll be able to find the keys more quickly.
See you next week!

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